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HANAH The Source

The Source

In an age when most companies are focused on their bottom line, it is still possible to produce products that benefit the supply chain and ecosystem. At HANAH, we believe in building transparent, interdependent, and trackable supply chains that guarantee the purity and potency of our ingredients, safeguard precious natural resources, and take care of the people who are at the heart of everything we do.

Kerala, India

HANAH Founder, Joel Einhorn, discovered the ancient practice of Ayurveda in 2008 after a serious bike accident. After unsuccessful attempts at healing with Western drugs, it was an Ayurvedic doctor who helped him to heal using a combination of Indian herbs and diet. This experience ultimately led him to Kerala, the home of Ayurveda.

Within the forests of Kerala, exists one of the world’s most extraordinary biodiversity hotspots, with over 5,000 flowering plants*1, 145 mammal, 486 bird and 85 amphibian species*2. These remote regions of the Western Ghats mountain range, where tigers and wild elephants roam free, are considered a source of some of the most potent herbs in the world. The region is full of numerous products, such as honey, medicinal herbs, resins, incense, spices and more.

*1: “Flora.” Kerala Forest Department,
*2: “Fauna.” Kerala Forest Department,


The Forest Department and the forest-dependent communities ensure the products are sustainably harvested. Their efforts support a better livelihood for the forest-dependent population, predominantly tribal peoples. The stories are fascinating, and these herb collectors know exactly where and when to find the most pristine ingredients we have ever seen. Zero pesticides, insecticides or any other chemicals are used anywhere near these areas. Similar to wine, herbs are a product of terroir and deeply affected by soil health, climate, weather and agricultural methods. The inhabitants of these areas practice a deep respect for the land and soil.

Journeying deep into Kerala has provided a glimpse into the modern and ancient ways of practicing Ayurveda. Its profound combination of medicine and philosophy has taught us how we can benefit from and apply it to our own health and wellness.

Check Out the India Collection

Meet our Experts

Dr. V.A. Venugopal

Dr. Venugopal, or Dr. V to us, is an ayurvedic practitioner, pranic healer and traditional counselor in Kerala, India. Dr. V works directly with HANAH to help craft and test multiple HANAH products, including HANAH ONE, HANAH Ashwagandha+, HANAH Shilajit+ and HANAH Vechur Ghee. His goal is to integrate the ancient practice of Ayurveda with the modern world. His vision of spreading Ayurveda aligned with HANAH’s mission to create an antidote to the physical stressors of modern life. Dr. V worked with HANAH founder Joel for over three years in Kerala, India, to source the highest quality natural ingredients, create a sustainable supply chain and create HANAH ONE.




Having seen the work HANAH had been doing in Kerala, we were invited to visit Bhutan and connected with a member of the Bhutanese Royal family, who had an interest in finding a partner to share their world of traditional medicine outside of their country. It did not take long before Bhutan revealed its rich and pristine natural environment.

Bhutan quite literally is the land of herbs — known as Menjong Gyalkhab, meaning land of medicinal plants*3. It’s like finding a hidden Bordeaux or Burgundy that has all but been forgotten by the rest of the world. We were completely blown away. It became clear to us why the Royal Family is incredibly passionate about protecting the country’s natural splendor.



Sustainable harvesting practices that are closely overseen by government agencies ensure that the pristine mountain terroir and the potent crops it produces are nurtured rather than exploited. This gives future generations the opportunity to put what they learn from the current harvesters into practice, while taking good care of Bhutan’s vibrant and unique ecosystem.

Bhutan is also dedicated to fostering progress and happiness with their citizens. In one effort to elevate the fortunes and wellbeing of their rural citizens, the Royal Family of Bhutan established the Tarayana Foundation to educate women living in mountain villages about the medicinal plants in their locale, inform them how and when to harvest and refine them, and educate them in business so they can benefit from the recent influx of Western buyers.

The country is also the only carbon negative country in the world, with over 70% of the land covered in trees*4. It’s easy to see how Bhutan could become the “happiest country in the world.” The country even created its own index for Gross National Happiness, in which all government policies must stand up to the four pillars: Sustainable development, environmental protection, cultural preservation, and good governance*5.

*4: “Bhutan’s Forest Resources under Pressure: Villagers Adapt to Change.” CIFOR Forests News, 22 Nov. 2018.
*5: Youn, Soo. “Visit the World’s Only Carbon-Negative Country.” Bhutan Is the World’s Only Carbon-Negative Country, 17 Oct. 2017.

Check Out the Bhutan Collection



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Meet our Experts

Bhutan’s Institute for Traditional Medicine

The National Institute of Traditional Medicine is a training, research and practice center where many of Bhutan’s traditional medicine doctors are educated and practice their craft. Also part of the institute is Menjong Sorig Pharmaceuticals, which is associated with the Bhutanese Ministry of Health. This pharmaceutical and research unit is the premier manufacturer of the traditional herbal-based medicines supplied to the healthcare facilities nationwide. HANAH works directly with the National Institute of Traditional Medicine, Menjong Sorig Pharmaceuticals to formulate our powerful Cordyceps+ and Turmeric+ products according to Sowa Rigpa — the centuries old traditional Tibetan medical system.


Beyond the Bottom Line

At HANAH, our priorities do not end with creating a high-quality supplement. We are just as committed to maintaining the health of the natural environment, the sustainability of the crops and the livelihood of the local communities.